
Water Safety Tips for the Entire Family

The warmer weather of spring and summer is quickly approaching. Families will soon flock to beaches, pools, and lakes in search of a reprieve from the heat by swimming, boating, and other water activities. Seventy percent of planet Earth is water, so safety...

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ABC’s to a Successful School Year

With the new school year now upon us, it's time to officially say goodbye to summer and hello to your new family routine. Here are some essential tips to starting off the new school year on the right foot. Address any ongoing or new concerns regarding your child(ren)...

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Medical Marijuana for Treating ADD/ADHD

Many people have asked me whether medical cannabis might be able to help someone who has debilitating ADD/ADHD, and if I would be willing to facilitate the treatment. Because one of the known side effects of recreational marijuana is the possibility of reducing...

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