Vaccine Options
At Wholistic Pediatrics and Family Care, we believe families who have educated themselves on the topic have a right to choose how and when they wish to vaccinate their children. Although we can follow the guidelines set forward by the CDC/AAP, if informed parents choose to follow an alternative schedule or not to give certain vaccines, that is their right, and we will respect that right.
Frequently we are asked to provide a copy of our “alternative vaccine schedule.” We do not have one particular alternative schedule that we follow. Each family is encouraged to meet with Dr. David, Patsy, Ethan, Rachel, and/or any other treating physicians to address their individual concerns and then construct an individualized vaccine plan. Dr. Bob Sears and Dr. Stephanie Cave both provide alternative schedules in their vaccine books for those who are interested.
All vaccines used at Wholistic Pediatrics & Family Care are mercury-free unless there are no other options for a particular vaccine. We also use the lowest aluminum containing products when such options exist.
We prefer to not vaccinate children who are sick or recently recovering from an illness. Additionally, we suggest postponing vaccines during times of allergy, eczema, or autoimmune flare-ups. Dr. David has developed protocols for certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs to be taken both before and after each vaccine.
We encourage families to make vaccine consultations to develop a plan that takes into consideration both the health of the child and the wishes of the parents.
In the winter of 2009-2010, Dr. David was asked by a Florida State Senator and Representative to create a form that would be part of a Bill that explains the Rights granted by the Florida Law and Informed consent, regarding vaccinations. Unfortunately, the Bill never was voted out of the committees and therefore died. This form has been renamed “The Statement of Florida Vaccine Rights and Responsibilities.” Please feel free to distribute this form to any family or friends you think would like to know more about their Florida vaccine rights. Some parents choose to present this signed form to their pediatrician to make part of the child’s medical chart, acknowledging they know their rights.
Click here to read “The Statement of Florida Vaccine Rights and Responsibilities.”
Thimerosal Content in Vaccines
Thimerosal was a common preservative in vaccinations that is about 50% ethylmercury. Since 1999, when the Academy of Pediatrics announced that “Mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children, and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population,” the thimerosal content of the vaccines was gradually reduced and now thimerosal is no longer an ingredient in any of the childhood vaccines in America.