Medical Cannabis

We Now Offer CBD Products at Our Office!

For your convenience, we are excited to be offering CBD products at our office. In this video, Dr. David discusses the quality, comfort, and convenience of using the concentrated BlueBird Botanicals CBD products we have made easily available to our patients....

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COVID-19 and Medical Cannabis: An Ace(2) in the Whole?

by RUSS BATTIATA As the world navigates a “new normal” due to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, people are seeking relief and have lots of questions about what the future holds. Will there be therapeutic options that adequately prevent or treat COVID-related...

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Medical Cannabis, Autism, and the Transformation of Medicine

In 1987, during my freshman year at Lehigh University, our first English assignment was to write a letter to an elected official advocating for a controversial issue of our choosing. I decided to write my United States Congressman to express why I believed marijuana...

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Cannabis Curing Cancer? Here’s What We Know

It is widely known that people who undergo traditional cancer therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy, can benefit from medical cannabis. Not only does cannabis reduce the side effects of these powerful treatments, but it can also address the anxiety and...

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Where Are The Gummies and Other Edibles?

One of the most frequent questions we hear in my clinic these days is when will qualified Floridians be able to get gummies and other edibles? As many of you know, oral ingestion of CBD and THC is one of the most common ways to administer medical cannabis. Florida...

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What Are Some of the Known Side Effects of Cannabis?

In recent years I have been fortunate to work with a wide range of patients who have benefited greatly from medical cannabis. One of the primary purposes of this blog series is to educate our community, so I decided to use this post to address some of the concerns...

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